Easy, free and secure go links.

Instantly access and share information with intuitive, secure short links, called go links.

Shorten lengthy URLs into memorable keywords effortlessly - try for free!

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Glinks Demo

Say goodbye to searching through bookmarks and old messages

Improve your productivity by getting there faster. Save time by finding the resource you were looking for with go links. Easy to share verbally or visually! Works on all browsers, comes with advanced features and designed to respect your privacy.

Radar icon go/links Create short, memorable links for anything - websites, documents, internal tools, and more.
Meteor icon Securely Share Share go links easily within your team or organization, knowing they're secure and reliable.
Stars icon Admin Control Manage your go links, track usage, and customize settings through a user-friendly dashboard.

Best-In-Class Features

Unlimited go links.

Create any number of go links. Control who can see them using share setttings.

Easy deployment.

Simply install the Chrome extension. Seamless deployment made possible by a battle-tested codebase.

Single sign-on.

Glinks works with G Suite / Google single sign on. Microsoft, OKTA, and OneLogin coming soon.

Variable go links.

Set up placeholders in your go link to create dynamic links that direct to specific customers, issues, or projects.

Search through go links.

Easily search through all available go links in your organization.

Privacy friendly.

Glinks extension uses minimal permissions and does not access any webpage content.

Get started

Using Glinks is easy as 1, 2, and 3!.

Install extension

The easiest way to use Glinks is with the browser extension.

Use a go link

Try using your first go link at go/welcome.

Create a go link

Use a memorable keyword and copy / paste any URL to create your first go link.

Access and share resources instantly with your team